Tuesday, 29 April 2008

OMG you silly little children. It's a game!!

Hmm this may come a huuuge suprise to some of you... though if anyone knows anything about GTA, then it probably won't. As in trend with all other GTA game releases, crime has risen now. But by just how much you ask? Hmm lets see.
After just a few hours of GTA being on the shelves, crime has taken a serious jump; according to the LCPD Crime Blotter, crime is up nearly 900 million percent from yesterday alone!
Come on now people, it's a game. It doesn't mean you have to go out and do it yoursleves! Grow up a little will ya!!

Here's a few interesting numbers:
Crime rate up 848,780,099% from previous day
24,700 criminals have been arrested
781,556 cars have been stolen
8,241,576 call outs have been made
221,525 N.O.O.S.E. call outs have been made


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